Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Kelebihan Ayat Ruqyah I Benefits of Ayat ul Ruqyah

In Malay

Macam mana nak mula cerita harini ye? Al-maklum, Sis baru je 'terjun tanpa sengaja' dalam bidang blogging ni. Ada orang pesan, "Cuba buka blog tapi bukan untuk saja2 buang masa, kongsi ilmu yang ada. Tak perlu fikir ada orang baca atau tidak, janji kita kongsi ilmu yang bermanfaat" 😉

Jadi harini Sis terlintas untuk berkongsi tentang Ayat Ruqyah. Sis mula diperkenalkan tentang Ayat Ruqyah ni dari kakak angkat Sis. Ada satu kejadian di bulan puasa, waktu tu Sis berniaga di bazaar. Ada seorang pelanggan ni cerewet teramat dan pelik. Tapi pelanggan tetap pelanggan jadi, Sis layan macam biasa. Lama juga melayan pelanggan ni tapi akhirnya dia berlalu pergi. Sis anggap bukan rezeki dan sambung berniaga sampai tutup kedai. Bila nak tutup kedai, baru Sis perasan tas tangan Sis dah terbuka dan dompet Sis hilang 😱. Sedangkan Sis memang jenis yang tak akan biarkan tas tangan terbuka macam tu je.

Sis tak nak tuduh sesiapa tanpa bukti kukuh dan terima kejadian tu sebagai ujian Allah. Sis cuma buat report polis dan seminggu lebih juga la Sis jadi ala-ala 'rakyat asing' sebab kejadian tu 3-4 hari sebelum raya, jadi terpaksa tunggu orang2 semua balik dari cuti raya baru boleh buat kad pengenalan baru 😛.

Bila kakak angkat Sis tahu tentang kejadian ni, dia nasihatkan untuk Sis muat turun Ayat Ruqyah dalam handphone dan pasang sepanjang waktu kedai beroperasi. Katanya sebagai pendinding diri / perniagaan. Bila Sis 'tanya pada Encik Google' rupanya banyak kelebihan Ayat Ruqyah ni terutama untuk gangguan Jin dan sihir. Bila dah tahu, makin rajin la pasang dan dengar Ayat Ruqyah ni kan (sampaikan menyapu rumah pun dengar Ayat Ruqyah dari iPod 😊).

Kita tak tahu kan kadang2 orang yang kita kenal atau tak kenal pun ada yang tak puas hati dengan kita (walaupun zaman dah serba moden dan canggih). Jadi Sis sarankan bagi para peniaga mahupun rakyat marhaen macam kita2 ni untuk mengamalkan Ayat Ruqyah ni. Semoga kita semua akan berada di bawah lindungan-Nya sentiasa 😇  Aamiin y.r.a


In English

How am I supposed to start today? Well, I'm just a beginner as I accidentally falls into this blogging world. Someone wise said to me "Why don't you try to create a blog? But make sure it's not just for the fun of it. You should share to the world the knowledge that you have. You don't have to think if no one will be reading your blog, you just have to share knowledge that will benefits all" 😉

So today I would like to share on Ayat ul Ruqyah. I was first being introduced about this Ayat ul Ruqyah by my pet sister. It was due by an incident happened during the month of ramadhan. At that time, I had a shop for Eid bazaar. There was a customer who was very fussy and weird. Nevertheless, customer is still a customer so I just treated the customer as usual. It took me quite sometime dealing with the customer but in the end, the customer just walked away. I just take it as it's not my rezeki and continue with the business as usual. When I wanted to close the shop only than I realized that my handbag was wide opened and my purse was gone 😱.

I didn't want to assume nor accuse anyone without concrete evidence and just take the occurrence as a test from The Almighty. I just went to make a police report and sort of live like an 'immigrant' for more than a week as the incident happened 3-4 days before Eid hence, I've to wait until the public holiday ends only than I was able to make a new Identification Card 😛.

When my pet sister got to know about this incident, she suggested for me to download Ayat ul Ruqyah into my handphone and play it all the time during business hours at the shop. She told me that this ayat is good for self-defense / protection for business. At the same time I've also googled and stumbled upon the benefits of Ayat ul Ruqyah, especially for defense / protection from Black Magic and disruption by Genes. Once I've known the benefits of Ayat ul Ruqyah, I make it a habit to turn on and listened to it (even play it on my iPod while doing house chores 😊).

Despite being in this so-called modern and sophisticated era, we wouldn't know when someone that we know/related, or those that we didn't know at all will do something to us without us realizing it simply because they're not happy with what we have or they're not satisfied. Hence, I would like to suggest to those who are in business world or just simple fellow like us to make it a habit to listen to this Ayat ul Ruqyah. May us all always be under HIS guidance and protection 😇 Aamiin y.r.a    

Monday, 19 December 2016

Surah At Taubah ayat 128 ~ 129 I Surah At Taubah verse 128 ~ 129

In Malay

Lebih kurang 3 minggu lepas, Sis terlihat live update Ustaz Ebit Lew di FB. Dengan caption yang menarik 'diberi jalan keluar dari musibah', Sis tertarik untuk melihat dan mendengar live update dengan lebih lanjut (sebab memang tengah susah hati waktu tu 😡).

Melalui live update tersebut, Ustaz Ebit menyarankan untuk mengamalkan Surah At Taubah, ayat 128 ~ 129, di baca sebanyak 7 kali pada waktu pagi (subuh) & petang (asar). Niat hanya kerana Allah dan InshaAllah akan dibantu Allah dengan dipermudahkan atau diberi jalan keluar dari musibah.

Sejak dari haritu, Sis cuba amalkan dan alhamdulillah hati menjadi lapang dan masalah tertentu dipermudahkn oleh-Nya. Jadi, marilah kita sama sama Berusaha, Berdoa dan Bertawakkal kepadaNya 😇.

In English

More or less about 3 weeks ago, I stumbled upon live update in FB by Ustaz Ebit Lew. With an interesting caption 'the way out of troubles', it has captured me to watched and listened further to the
live update (as I was facing some difficulties myself at that time 😡).

In the live update video, Ustaz Ebit mentioned for us to practice and make it a habit to reiterate Surah At Taubah, verse 128 ~ 129,7 times in the morning (fajr) and evening (asr), on daily basis. With the intention Only for Allah, InshaAllah God will assist to ease our burden.

Since that day, I tried my best to make it a habit and alhamdulillah I feel more at ease. So, let us together Strive, Pray & Surrender to HIM in everything that we do and InshaAllah HE will assist us in our daily life struggles 😇.